For most of us, the passage of time offers many ups and downs in life. For some, life can become quite dark. If darkness looms too long, life becomes so overwhelming, a person may feel hopeless. For others, darkness creates opportunities for light to shine. Cindy Elwell is a wonderful example of the kind of light that shines through darkness to touch and humble us all. October 2003 was a dark time for Cindy. She learned that she had Multiple Sclerosis. MS made life more challenging for her, but Cindy did not falter in the dark. She became determined to commit herself to a greater cause than her own personal well-being – a cure for MS. Three years after her MS diagnosis, she committed herself to train for the 50 mile MS Challenge Walk. This walk included a walk of 20 miles on day one, 20 miles on day two, and 10 miles on day three. For Cindy, preparation for this event included personal training twice a week at True Health Unlimited. She partnered with her supportive husband Gary to train from October of ’06 to August of ’07. During that time, they made improvements in core stability, strength, flexibility, and balance, and they completed over 100 miles on the elliptical trainer. In addition, her team raised over $80,000 for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. During the first weekend of September ’07, Cindy successfully completed the 50 mile MS Challenge Walk. Although it was very difficult at times, friends encouraged and supported her to finish each day. Not only did she say how lucky she felt to be supported in this way, but she said, ‘the total commitment by everyone involved was just unbelievable. It truly a life changing experience and one that I am blessed to be able participate in.’ Just as blessed as Cindy felt that day, True Health Unlimited, LLC feels blessed to be part of her amazing story of commitment, belief and hope!