Bill Prandy is a 63 year old gentleman who resides in Tolland with his wife Carol. In February 2008, Bill first noticed a sign of tremors in February of 2008. Shortly after noticing the tremors, Bill visited a doctor who diagnosed him with Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a degenerative disease of the brain (central nervous system) that often impairs motor skills, speech, and other functions. After Bill’s diagnosis, he decided to take action to slow the progression of the Parkinson’s symptoms and improve his physical conditioning. He did this by training weekly with Dave Barnas, a certified personal trainer of True Health Unlimited, LLC in Tolland, CT. Since Bill began training in September of 2008, he has made gradual progress in his balance, core stability, posture, strength and overall movement speed. His improvements have inspired others to join him to achieve a dream he’s had in mind for many years. His vision was to complete all forty-eight of the 4,000-foot peaks in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. Mt. Waumbek was one such hike (pictured above). On June 27, 2009, Bill, Dave, and their respected wives, hiked it together. Mt. Waumbek was Bill’s 44th of the 48. By end of the 2009 summer, Bill Prandy reached his goal with his son John. Bill’s hiking achievements are a true testimony of how unlimited courage and spirit to persevere are no obstacle to physical limitations.