Monthly Archives: July 2016

10 Mindless Solutions to Slim Down – Backed By Research

There’s good news in a busy world with too many distractions – increasing evidence of how we can slim down without a proven diet or exercise plan. There are actually mindless solutions…. Cutting-edge research suggests that much of our eating…
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CATEGORY: Nutrition

FREE Real Food Therapy Guide

Feel Young Again with Simple Nutrition Remedies People looking to turn back the clock and reverse aging will love this guide Powerful, yet simple strategies to address the most common health concerns Unique integration of Western and Eastern food philosophies for…
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CATEGORY: Nutrition

Can Lifting Lighter Weights Be Just as Effective as Lifting Heavy Ones?

I found this new study interesting and wanted to share it with fitness friends. The post below was written by Gretchen Reynolds in the New York Times on July 20, 2016. Gretchen Reynolds is the author of the best seller, The First…
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This Is How to Get Yourself Motivated: 5 Expert-Level Insights

When I was a kid, my dad came home from school with a circular paper cut-out that said “round tuit.” “What’s that, Dad?” I asked. “It’s a ‘round tuit’”. He replied. “A ‘round tuit’? What’s that for?” Dad, being a…
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CATEGORY: Motivation